Your Next Hire Awaits!


At BCIT's High-Tech Professional programs, we take pride in producing the type of graduate that can quickly assimilate into the real world of information technology. This section of our website outlines two major concepts: our work-term and IT projects portion of the programs as well as our graduates, who are ready, willing and able to begin working for you in a myriad of different capacities.

BCIT's reputation for producing job-ready graduates continues at HTP with over 150 employers either hiring full-time or work-term students in addition to our graduates who have completed some innovative IT projects.


We have work-terms in three programs: NASP, OAT and TSP. Work-terms allow students to gain valuable hands-on experience onsite, in addition to alleviating your staff shortages, etc. Continuing reading for details about the work-term and for the documents and links to secure a position with any of the three programs.

Projects / Websites


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We have work-terms in three programs: NASP, OAT and TSP. Work-terms allow students to gain valuable hands-on experience onsite, in addition to alleviating your staff shortages, etc. Continuing reading for details about the work-term and for the documents and links to secure a position with any of the three programs.